FORT KNOX, Ky, – With their Field Training Exercises completed and graduation fast approaching, Cadets from 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, arrive at Branch Orientation to learn more about the varying paths they could strive for in their military career. Bringing in professionals from each of the 17 branches, this event gives Cadets valuable information and connections to prepare them for selecting their preferred branches to commission into upon graduation.
For Cadet Sean Clunga, Citadel Military College of South Carolina, this decision has been on the mind long before Branch Orientation. Interested in computers from the onset of college, Clunga chose to pursue a major in cyber operations, hoping to extend that passion into his military career by joining the Cyber Corps. Despite being the newest branch of the Army, Clunga believes that Cyber Corps will become the foundation of the Army’s future operations
“It’s a very competitive field,” said Clunga. “Technology is always changing and I firmly believe that if there is any war moving forward, it will lean strongly on the cyber side.”
Branches are assigned to Cadets based on a series of factors, meaning there is no guarantee that a Cadet’s first choice will be the one chosen. So while his goals are set on the Cyber Corps, Clunga acknowledges the value in engaging in informative events such as Branch Orientation to have a solid overall understanding of his options.
“If what you want doesn’t work out, you always want to have a backup plan,” Clunga explained. “What ways can I get to where I need to be, to still reach my goal, and to move forward from this minor setback?”
The opportunity to build connections and network with those who have already gone through this process will set these Cadets up for success past simple information gathering.
“It’s one thing to be fed information but it’s also critical to the process to reach out to these people with any more questions that may come up,” Clunga said. “Because right now we’re still somewhere away from commissioning. There’s a long way to go between here and there. We need to seek out mentorship along with information.”
Reflecting on his own experience in the ROTC, Clunga gives a piece of advice for any younger Cadets who may be only at the start of looking into their potential future pathways within the military.
“Get on top of research, right here, right now.” Clunga recommends. “The sooner you know about something, the less questions you have moving forward and the more set you are in a specific thing. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have a backup plan. Always have a growth and developmental mindset.”