Last Updated: August 4th, 2024By

Fort Knox, Ky –  Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, conclude Wolverine, the first phase of their Field Training Exercises, pack up their gear and head out on their 8-Mile Ruck March, August 3, 2024. The end of this event will start a day of refit before they head back out to the field to begin the next phase of FTX.


Stepping off after nightfall, Cadets walk slowly and steadily in formation, each carrying a 35lb ruck on their back alongside any other equipment brought into the field. Though a grueling task, knowing what awaits them at the end of the road keeps these Cadets highly motivated to stay the course.


“We’re all in pretty high spirits, it’s like an adrenaline rush, “said Cadet Caroline West, Baylor University. “Being able to refit is the main motivation but we also know that completing the 8-Mile Ruck March is another step on the to-do list towards graduating. So it’s one more big step that we’ve all been anticipating and we finally get to do it.”


Platoons march together and finish together, relying on teamwork to beat the test of endurance. After reaching the end of the march, Cadet Jeremiah Wilks, Virginia Military Institute describes how his Platoon planned in order to make the hard things easier instead of just waiting for them to become easier.


“We shared carrying the m240 and m249 machine guns throughout the platoon in 15 minute shifts,” explained Wilks. “Some of us went longer than others but that’s just the type of sacrifice you have to make for leadership. Everybody has strengths and weaknesses out here.  So if you see somebody struggling, you take the load off of them. If you all are strong in one certain thing you share it together.


Facing difficulties as a team helps refine the mental fortitude of Cadets as individuals. Wilkins believes in pushing yourself past your limits to move forward.


“When you start hurting you gotta tell yourself it is not hurt,” Wilkins said. “Reach your breaking point and push yourself past that point. You got to suffer together and make it a better experience. These bonds are what bring you closer together”.


After a day of rest and refit, these Cadets will return to Field Training through the Panther and Grizzly phases before engaging in a final 12-Mile Ruck that will mark the end of their Cadet Summer Training.

About the Author: Cassidy Disantis
Cassidy Disantis
My name is Cassidy Disantis and I am a rising junior at Ohio University majoring in Media Arts Production with minors in Scriptwriting and Digital Storytelling and Theatre. In my free time I serve as executive producer of the student video organization, AVW Productions at Ohio University. I also have a great passion for the theatrical arts, having worked in various technical roles in productions with the Lost Flamingo Theatre Company. I aspire for a career in media and film production.