Last Updated: August 4th, 2024By

FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Basic Camp, completed the 6-Mile Foot March, Aug. 3, 2024, on Fort Knox. The march is a test of endurance and teamwork and serves as a culmination of their summer training.

2nd Lt. Megan Hanson, one of the Cadre in charge of guiding the Cadets through their training, described the significance of the event.

“It’s a culminating event for the Basic Camp regiment. We did a 4-mile earlier, so we were kind of working up to this final event,” Hanson said. “It was a symbol of closing out our training and giving the Cadets a taste of what a real ruck march would be like.”

Hanson, who completed her Advanced Camp training last year, highlighted her role in the process.

“I’m one of their platoon leaders, so I’m in charge of making sure the Cadets get to where they need to go during Basic Camp and get to know them as future leaders,” Hanson said. “My role is helping and mentoring them as they go through this process.”

Cadet James Watkins, Texas A&M University, felt that the march was a memorable and motivational experience. Watkins recounted the excitement leading up to the event.

“Today was good. We did a bunch of squad tactics, worked on our team-building skills, and got to shoot a lot of blanks,” Watkins shared. “We ended the day with a 6-mile foot march, and it was motivational. It was good way to end our training cycle.”

Reflecting on his mindset before the event, Watkins felt prepared to face the challenge headed towards him.

“I was highly motivated for it. It was about a week ago when we did our 4-mile foot march, and they said it was preparation for the 6-mile,” Watkins said. “The 4-mile went really well for me, so I was excited for the next challenge and see how it would go.”

Cadet Mina Fofana, Adelphi University, N.y., also found the experience rewarding, highlighting the challenge of Agony Hill.

“I’ve done actual ruck marches before, so this was easy,” Fofana said. “I liked experiencing Agony Hill because we’re going to have to do that next year for Advanced Camp, so it’s good to get a feel of it.”

Fofana’s motivation for joining ROTC came from her desire to pursue a medical career.

“I want to be in the medical business, and I knew if I did ROTC, doing medical service could be on the right track for that,” Fofana said. “Medical school is expensive, college is expensive, so this opportunity could help me out in a lot of ways.”

As the Cadets reflected on their growth throughout the camp, both Watkins and Fofana shared the personal development they experienced.

“The biggest thing I’ve learned so far is, when people have the opportunity to lead, let them lead,” Watkins noted. “It’s been a process of me learning how to just kind of step back and to be a good follower.”

Similarly, Fofana saw the ways that she’s grown through this summer.

“I feel like there were a lot of blind spots and places that I didn’t know anything about, and now I feel like it’s filled up,” Fofana said. “Because of Basic Camp, I understand them more. It’ll help for my third year.”

2nd Lt. Hanson, reflecting on the Cadets’ journey, had pride in their accomplishments. Though she didn’t get the opportunity to complete Basic Camp, she felt a sense of growth alongside them.

“They have grown so much. I remember my first day, I didn’t know any of them,” Hanson said. “But now, I come to formation, and I see them all smiling. I’m so happy and proud of them as a platoon. They’ve got amazing potential, and I’m really lucky to have had this experience with them.”

The completion of the 6-Mile Foot March not only serves as a physical achievement for 2nd Regiment, Basic Camp, but also shows their readiness to continue their journey in ROTC. As their summer training chapter starts to close, with their new confidence and skills, they’ll be ready to tackle future challenges and continue their growth as leaders.

About the Author: Bachka Batjargal
Bachka Batjargal
My name is Bachka Batjargal. I'm a senior Strategic Communications major from Ball State University. In school, I work as the Events Manager for McKinley Avenue Agency and I'm a brother of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Outside of school, I'm a recording artist with over eight years of experience in recording, mixing and mastering, and publishing. During the PAO internship, I hope to further my skills in social media management and team collaboration, so that I can be valuable employee wherever I may work in my professional career.