FORT KNOX, KENTUCKY – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, worked cohesively to complete the Field Leader Reaction Course on Fort Knox, June 23, 2024. The FLRC is an obstacle course that aims to develop Cadets’ leadership skills by simulating scenarios that require strong teamwork and communication.

Teamwork is an important ability to maintain as an army officer. While in this leadership position, teamwork enables the operation to run smoothly and aids in mutual support amongst each other.

During FLRC, Cadets are given scenarios that simulate situations they may face in combat. Squads of Cadets use critical thinking, teamwork and communication skills to ensure the safe navigation of personnel and equipment in stressful situations.

In Advanced Camp, Cadets come from many backgrounds, schools and environments. As a future officer, being able to manage in a diverse environment is important. These conditions in the army can bring new perspectives, maximize productivity, and ultimately lead to a successful mission. Even though everyone is different, the goal remains the same.

Cadet Jamari King, from the University of Miami, gives advice to Cadets with future participation in FLRC. “Be ready to learn and always be a student,” said King. “The more you know. The more you grow.”

Before becoming an effective leader, Cadets must learn to be a follower. Giving everyone a chance to lead, while others follow, the Cadets can use their experience to help them become better leaders. They develop leadership skills such as communication, courage, and honesty.

Cadet Azhane Bridges, from Niagara University, shares her drive to join the U.S. Army ROTC program and pursue a career as an officer. “Coming from a low minority family, this was an opportunity where I can be inspiring to my community,” said Bridges.

Bridges emphasizes the importance of being an effective leader because inspiring others is a priority that she plans to apply throughout her career. “I can make the difference by stepping in those small cracks,” said Bridges. “Making myself an example and being their support system.”

Whether it be growing and learning or inspiring others, the FLRC pushes Cadets to apply their training in real-time and reinforces the importance of communication amongst each other. This course not only prepares them for the challenges they may face in leadership positions, but also builds confidence and cohesion abilities.

About the Author: Jordan Chism