FORT KNOX, KY. –  Cadets from 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp, received Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction on Fort Knox, Ky., June 6, 2024. The objective of PMI is to provide Cadets with the essential knowledge of rifle marksmanship and weapon handling. 

This information is given through lessons with instructors, and is important for Cadets when they encounter weapons qualification. PMI focuses on weapon familiarization, safety procedures, basic marksmanship skills, confidence building and performance preparation. 

The fundamentals of marksmanship include learning; how to maintain a steady fighting position, proper breathing with trigger squeeze and using the correct aiming techniques. The Cadets use the M4 rifles that they were assigned and will use to shoot at the range. This gives them a chance to get accustomed to their own weapon, handling it and the use of techniques. 

“I think PMI is very beneficial for all the cadets here because it allows them to build muscle memory,” said 2nd Lt. Le’Jerria Richardson, a Platoon Training Officer for 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp, “When they are on the range or in a live fight they will know how to safely clear a jam, check for malfunctions, reload mags. So I think it’s very vital for this type of career.”

Although some Cadets may have experience with a weapon before encountering Advanced Camp, it is crucial that PMI is a part of their fundamentals when behind a weapon for the United States Army. 

Cadet James Nebrig from Northern Arizona University explains how he believes that PMI is essential in the career of an Army Officer, “When it comes to the Army overall, we are a ground fighting force. Rifles and other weapons have a lot to do with our jobs.”

Cadets will use the knowledge received from PMI and apply it to zero and weapons qualifications, which will be their next encounters of Advanced Camp. 


About the Author: Jordan Chism
Jordan Chism
Hello! My name is Jordan Chism. I enlisted in the Tennessee Army National Guard in February 2020. I attend the University of Memphis. My major is Journalism & Strategic Media with minors in Military Science and Health & Nutrition. During my time at UofM, I contracted with the Army ROTC program and assumed a position as the Public Affairs Officer, managing our social media and web presence. In my free time I enjoy photography, weightlifting and traveling.