Last Updated: June 25th, 2024By

FORT KNOX, Kentucky- 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp learned and practiced first aid on June 24, 2024, as part of their Cadet Summer Training.

As future Officers, Cadets must learn how to prepare and assist when a teammate needs medical assistance. Cadets are sent to four different lanes: Bleeding, Transport Casualty, Breathing (CPR), and Medical Evacuation.

Cadet Kevin Holcombe, from the University of Virginia, commented on how important first aid training is and how it can benefit future cadets and officers.

“It’s important that when we’re officers, we understand what’s going on in the bigger army,” said Holcombe “This gives us some more knowledge in functional areas of medical and then later they are going to give us more information on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear environments, so having that information is important to grow a wealth of knowledge”.

Holcombe had prior experience in first aid as he is currently a firefighter back in his hometown, noting that he always wanted to help others. Holcombe joined ROTC as he was inspired by his father’s work in the military.

“My father was an officer, and then I met a lot of the people, that I have respect for that are part of ROTC, and I think it’s a great culture and a great group of people that I want to be a part of and contribute to”.

The Medical Transport Lane is meant to teach Cadets to care for the injured while under fire. The goal is to transport the teammate away from the scene as fast as possible while performing care.

After the course, Holcombe said he felt confident with how he put his skills to the test.

“I felt like I understood what was going on. I should have been a little quicker with it because I was running out of time at the end. But other than that, I was pretty confident.

Cadet Jayda Hamilton, from Texas A&M University, said that she had no prior experience in first aid, but felt curious about the first aid course. She wants to become a nurse, adding that she always wanted to be part of the military since childhood.

“I want to join a medical services branch and then get my nursing degree to become a nurse and be able to manage a hospital,” said Hamilton “Then I want to coach track and field later in my years.”

Hamilton, with other Cadets, went through all first aid training exercises, felt proud of her accomplishments and provided advice for future Cadets.

“This is one milestone for all of us to reach our dream career, so treat it as such,” said Hamilton “It’s very important, and you got to have that strong mindset. You made it this far. Make it to the finish line.

By the end of the morning, the 3rd Regiment finished all first aid procedures and would move on to CBRN.

“You know, I’m a little bit nervous, but I think it’s going be a fun experience to share with everybody,” Holcombe said.

About the Author: Elizabeth Peterson