FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp participated in the Army Combat Fitness Test at Fort Knox, Ky., July 9, 2023.

Cadet Anna Johnson, Michigan State University, and Cadet Olivia Ostler, Ball State University, 8th Regiment Advanced Camp, completes the 2-mile run during the Army Combat Fitness Test at Fort Knox Ky., July 9, 2023. The ACFT challenges the Cadets mentally and physically in preparation for the rest of CST. | Photo By Rosalita Mitchell, Ball State University, CST Public Affairs Office

The ACFT accesses the agility, endurance, and strength of Cadets through a series of exercises as they start their Cadet Summer Training experience.

“The ACFT is meant to measure the physical fitness of a cadet to ensure the preparedness of each person that serves,” said Cadet Anna Johnson, Michigan State. “It teaches resilience and dedication to what we do.”

Designed to evaluate Cadets’ physical fitness, the ACFT is a tool that helps the Cadre identify the Cadets’ cardiovascular struggles that may limit their success at CST.

“Fitness is important, not only to represent your school and yourself, but to show that you’re prepared and able to help those around you,” Johnson said.

Multiple events during the ACFT act as preparation for situations that can occur as a Soldier.

“I think the best thing that we do is the sprint, drag, and carry,” said Olivia Ostler, Ball State University, 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp. “It tests it all. You have to run with and drag weight, which can train you in case you have to carry someone who’s been injured.”

Cadet Johnathon Henry, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 8th Regiment Advanced Camp, who is currently certified to grade his unit’s ACFT test, is passionate about excelling at the ACFT and as a Soldier. 

8th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets receive their Army Combat Fitness Test scores for each exercise from a Cadre member at Fort Knox Ky., July 9, 2023. The ACFT challenges the Cadets mentally and physically in preparation for the rest of CST. | Photo By Rosalita Mitchell, Ball State University, CST Public Affairs Office


“The [ACFT] measures your ability to compete in combat, because even though there are 18 branches [of the United States Army], everyone is a soldier first,” Henry said. “As a cadet, you will be the next generation of soldiers, so you should really excel at this because you will be setting the standard.”

Ostler, who strives to become a member of the Adjutant General’s Corps, also strives to push her fitness goals to the limit.

“For me, the goal is to max, I want to do as best as I possibly can,” Ostler said. “I know there are some people who come in and they just want to pass, but for me, it’s like a satisfaction for myself to know that I can do everything on my own.”

After conducting tests and participating in the official ACFT at CST, Henry wanted to give some advice to future Cadets.  

“For the ACFT, you should definitely prepare,” Henry said. “You should make sure that you can excel once you come because graders will be stricter. You should be ready to try.”

About the Author: Rosalita Mitchell
Rosalita Mitchell
Rosalita Mitchell is a junior from Greenwood, IN, attending Ball State University. She is majoring in journalism with a concentration in mass communications, as well as minoring in anthropology. This summer, Mitchell is a member of both the social media and photojournalism teams. She expects to learn new technical skills and further her knowledge in the journalism field. In her free time, Mitchell likes to listen to true crime podcasts, reading, and exercising.