Last Updated: June 13th, 2024By Tags: , , , , ,

FORT KNOX, Ky. –  On June 23, 2023., Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, engage in situational training exercises (STX) starting off at the Wolverine phase as part of Cadet Summer Training. They will move through three phases, Wolverine, Panther, and Grizzly.

Cadet Zoe Routh, University of Oklahoma, gathers blank ammo boxes to pass out to her teammates for the situational training exercise at Fort Knox, Ky., June 22, 2023. During the STX, Cadets work as a squad to practice planning, moving as a team, and reacting to combat scenarios. | Photo by Lanie Guinn, Ball State University, CST Public Affairs Office

The STX are meant to put the Cadets in a fast-paced environment where they plan and communicate as a team to successfully complete the mission at hand. Cadets camp out in the woods for three days. STX prepares the Cadets for a bigger event called the field training exercise (FTX).

Cadet Zoe Routh, University of Oklahoma, is following the footsteps of her father into the Army, by paving her own path by becoming a surgeon.

“I figured, well, if I could save or help improve somebody’s life, I’d want it to be for those who fight for our freedoms every day,” Routh said.  

During STX, Routh was the leader for her squad, but she faced challenges while running the exercise.

“At first, it was kind of confusing because we were given the wrong coordinates,” Routh said.

Though the team began going in the wrong direction, Routh helped guide them back on the right path.  

“Lots of hand and arm signals helped us get through, but I think it’s something that we’ll be able to sort out for sure,” said Routh.

Despite the challenges, she persevered and worked with her team to finish the exercise. Being in a leadership position can come with many responsibilities.

“I controlled the alpha and bravo team leaders, and they led the rest of the team,” Routh said. “As squad leader, you have to make sure everyone in your squad is okay and present.”

Cadet Gideon Fernald, University of Georgia, aims his M429, light machine gun for situational training exercise at Fort Knox, Ky., June 22, 2023. During the STX, Cadets work as a squad to practice planning, moving as a team, and reacting to combat scenarios. | Photo by Lanie Guinn, Ball State University, CST Public Affairs Office

Cadet Gideon Fernald, University of Georgia, is part of Routh’s team, and he also comes from a military family.

“My dad served as a Chief Warrant Officer, my brother served as a CIO [Chief Information Officer], and my grandpa served in World War II,” Fernald said. “I wanted to give back to the country and learn skills and apply them to better my country.”

He ultimately wants to become a military intelligence officer, and transition into becoming a judge advocate general.

After the STX event, Fernald reflected on how it went.


“It was a little chaotic. But you learn from your mistakes. Overall, I thought it was a cool experience,” said Fernald.

Going forward with the other field exercises, both Cadets felt that they had areas of improvement for themselves and as a team.

The first four Cadets (L to R) are the leaders for their squad and they are mapping out a plan of action during the situational training exercise at Fort Knox, Ky., June 22, 2023. During the STX, Cadets work as a squad to practice planning, moving as a team, and reacting to combat scenarios. | Photo by Lanie Guinn, Ball State University, CST Public Affairs Office

Routh found that she needed to improve tactically. “It’s not my super strong suit, so learning tactics and remembering to go through all of them when being a leader is important,” Routh said.

Fernald noted a few improvements the team needed to work on, “I think part of it is just being more deliberate in your decisions and having a reason to back it up,” said Fernald. “Also making the decision quickly because obviously in combat you have to move quick.”

The Cadets have two more days before their refit day, where they can rest up and take proper showers. Afterwards, they move into phase two, known as Panther. Lastly, phase three, known as Grizzly is completely Cadet driven. At Grizzly they will be evaluated, and leadership will be the key factor to success for these Cadets.

About the Author: Lanie Guinn
Lanie Guinn
Lanie Guinn is going into her Junior year of college at Ball State University. She is majoring in Journalism with a concentration in photographic storytelling with a double minor in strategic communication and psychological science. This summer Lanie is interning as a Public Affairs Officer for the CST program. She hopes to learn and continue to build on skills in photography and videography. Outside of school, she is quite the adrenaline junkie who enjoys being outdoors and trying new things.