“I told them if they hit the target, I’d be going in there just like they were,” said 2nd Lt. Jeanluc Pos. 

After realizing their Platoon Training Officer was in on the muddy action if they hit their target, Cadets of 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp locked down their aim in an attempt to hit the 35 meter target during grenade training.

Cadet Leia Fowler, University of Alabama, cheers on her battle buddy as their practice grenade hits the target during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky., July 29, 2022. Cadets threw four practice grenades at a 35 meter target, with two in the standing position and two in the kneeling position.

Cadet Virginia Larsen, University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign, cheered as her peers attempted to hit the target so their Cadre would join in on throwing practice grenades. 

As a Psychology major that is interested in branching Medical Services, the U of I Cadet talked about how inspiring it was to have their leadership involved with their training. Although she may not be throwing grenades in the near future, she still believes that knowing how to throw and function a grenade is a crucial basic soldiering task. 

“I don’t know when I would be throwing grenades again, but I think there are basic skills that everyone should have some experience with,” said Larsen. “You have a better appreciation for what your soldiers might be going through or have gone through as a platoon leader – just having that experience in the army and being able to relate better.”

A few throws later, one Cadet hit the target – which meant Pos had to throw a grenade and do so in the muddiest lane. 

With the platoon stepping quietly closer behind Pos to see him aim and throw his practice grenade, he launched it into the sky and dove into the pool of mud below, drenching his once green uniform in mud and orange water.

A loud roar of cheers from the platoon swarmed Pos as he laid in the mud and laughed. 

“Leaders don’t just let people go out and do things by themselves,” said Pos. “They involve themselves in the process as well. So if they’re going to throw grenades and get muddy – I am going to go get muddy with them.

Produced by Savannah Baird
About the Author: Savannah Baird
Savannah Baird
Savannah Baird is a recent graduate from Ball State University, back for her second term as a U.S. Army Cadet Command PAO intern. Baird graduated with a degree in photojournalism and hopes to use her experience as a PAO intern, and covering other miscellaneous Army events, to begin her career in military photojournalism after the summer.