• “I told them if they hit the target, I’d be going in there just like they were,” said 2nd Lt. Jeanluc Pos.  After realizing their Platoon Training Officer was in on the muddy action if they hit their target, Cadets of 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp locked down their aim in an attempt to hit the 35 meter target during grenade training. Cadet Virginia Larsen, University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign, cheered as her peers attempted to hit the target so their Cadre would join in on throwing practice grenades.  As a Psychology major that is interested in branching Medical Services, the [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • A platoon sergeant patch was clinging onto Cadet Christian Lopez’s uniform while he was out at the grenade course during Cadet Summer Training.  Lopez practiced throwing grenades with everyone in his platoon, but he also had the leadership role of platoon sergeant that day. He had the weight of not only getting a GO on the lane – he was also being evaluated as a leader in that moment. Cadets are selected at random to take on leadership roles to include platoon sergeant, platoon leader, and squad leader at Advanced Camp with the roles changing daily. Lopez found that wearing a [...]

    Categories: CST 2022