Last Updated: February 8th, 2024By Tags: , , ,

Cadets from 3rd Regiment assemble in the open lot of the Field Leader Reaction Course.  These Cadets would be tasked with completing obstacle courses designed to test their squad’s teamwork and critical thinking skills.

“They’re supposed to be really, really difficult challenges to do…to see how they work together and how they overcome seemingly impossible challenges,” said Capt. Robert Moore.

Cadets from 3rd Regiment move a simulated casualty over a bridge of boards they laid out at the Field Leader Reaction Course at Fort Knox, Ky., as part of Cadet Summer Training on June 12. The yellow painted portions of the wooden obstacles below them could not be touched otherwise they would fail the challenge and be forced to start over. | Photo by Nathan Abbott, CST Public Affairs Office.

Cadets go through the FLRC early on in their time at Cadet Summer Training. By the time 3rd Regiment arrived at the FLRC, most Cadets have only had a week’s time to get to know each other. The FLRC helps to prepare these inexperienced squads for the challenges they will face in the future at CST.

“It teaches them to react under pressure,” said Moore, “a lot of the scenarios they are put through are very stressful and it doesn’t seem like there’s an obvious right answer. It helps them prepare to get into that mindset and helps them to make decisions instead of being caught with all these different ideas.”

In one particular challenge, a squad was tasked with navigating a simulation of a partially destroyed bridge. In order to complete the challenge, the squad had to get all members and a barrel containing necessary materials across a gap without touching the ground.

Cadet Kwadwo Frimpong is held steady through the use of belts by his squad mates as he maneuvers their makeshift bridge across a gap for the Field Leader Reaction Course at Fort Knox, Ky., as part of Cadet Summer Training on June 12. The squad used their belts in addition to the provided rope in order to secure the two boards together. | Photo by Nathan Abbott, CST Public Affairs Office.

Cadet Kwadwo Frimpong and his team were among those to attempt that challenge.

“I think it’s very challenging and it helps you think outside the box, and we did our best,” Frimpong said.

According to Frimpong, these challenges are important in helping a squad learn each member’s strengths and weaknesses. He also believes this exercise is essential in forging the Cadets into future leaders for the Army.

Cadets from 3rd Regiment attempt to retrieve their makeshift bridge at a Field Leader Reaction Course challenge at Fort Knox, Ky., as part of Cadet Summer Training on June 12. In order to complete their objective, the squad must retrieve all materials used to aid them in their challenge. | Photo by Nathan Abbott, CST Public Affairs Office.

“I felt like the whole point of this was to build us, to build on our knowledge and prepare us for the future for the troops we are going to be leading,” said Frimpong.

About the Author: Nathan Abbott
Nathan Abbott