Last Updated: February 8th, 2024By

The quiet whirring of copy machines and printers fills the air at the Fort Knox Media Production Facility (MPF) on May 25. The MPF is the workplace of Glen Hatten.

Glen Hatten stands in the doorway to a printing room at the Media Production Facility at Fort Knox, Ky., on May 25. Behind Hatten is a hallway filled to the brim with yet more printers. | Photo by Nathan Abbott, CST Public Affairs Office

Hatten is a Multimedia Advanced Camp Specialist overseeing the production of paper products for Cadet Summer Training (CST).

“We make everything from sick call slips to land navigation maps, land navigation score cards, [and] cantonment maps,” said Hatten.

The production of such materials begins with an email order form. This email is the first step in dictating details of the product—like size of the print. The print facility on post is run by a small team, which makes the magnitude of paperwork they produce all the more impressive.

“[We print in] the thousands. Like Task Force Leader they’ll get … their CIF (Central Issue Facility) form, 7,100 of them … counseling statement … they get 7,000 of them … We try to base it off of 650 Cadets per regiment,” said Hatten.

This year marked Hatten’s eighth summer working at the print facility for CST. While he admits the job has the potential to get repetitious, he notes every year things change as well, with print orders being a varying factor.

The importance of the MPF cannot be understated. The print products created by the facility provides CST with much needed supplies.

“It’s training aides for the Cadets. If it wasn’t for that then everybody would have to use crayons and paper or sticks in the dirt,” said Hatten.

About the Author: Nathan Abbott
Nathan Abbott