Last Updated: July 19th, 2024By

Fort Knox, Kentucky –  On July 19, 2024, Cadets immersed themselves in the essential First Aid lane as part of their Cadet Summer Training. This training involves multiple tactical lanes, each dedicated to critical first aid skills such as applying a tourniquet, lifting and dragging a dummy, and performing CPR.

Cadet Aidan McKinney of Texas A&M University shares his experiences with the training. Despite lacking real-world first aid experiences, McKinney feels confident due to his involvement in his university’s ROTC program. He attributes much of his confidence to his participation in his school’s Ranger Challenge Team. 

“The Ranger Challenge Team at my school has given me the confidence not just to complete First Aid, but all of CST,” McKinney said.

The Ranger Challenge Team is a reputable group within ROTC programs across the nation. These teams compete with other schools nationwide, facing off in events similar to those found in CST. McKinney believes his experience on the team gives him an edge over cadets who haven’t participated in such rigorous training.

McKinney always knew he wanted to serve his country, but he just as much loved participating in various sports throughout his grade school career. ROTC and the Ranger Challenge Team help him combine these two passions, allowing him to serve while staying active.

McKinney compares being on the team to childhood sports experiences, highlighting camaraderie as one of his favorite aspects. “Being a part of those sports teams make me the way I am, influencing me to be a team player,” he says, emphasizing the bonds he formed with his team members. 

“It’s really just about a fun group of people coming together to accomplish a common task, but it’s just as much about winning and performing.” McKinney says.

Cadet Sam Burnham, University of Alabama, also emphasizes the importance of teamwork and camaraderie within the Army, especially in situations where first aid is required, both training and real life scenarios.

“I have to remind myself that we’re learning these skills because we might need to use them someday,” said Burnham. 

Though this particular thought is daunting, it also serves as a powerful motivator for Burnham. The training dummies could one day represent real comrades in need of care on the battlefield. Understanding the gravity of this responsibility drives Burnham to master these skills, knowing that he could one day have to save a fellow soldier’s life in an active combat situation.

As Cadets like McKinney and Burnham undergo First Aid Training, they not only learn vital skills but also build confidence and team spirit, crucial for their future roles in the military. The mix of tactical training and team-building ensures that the Cadets of CST are well-prepared for the many challenges ahead.

About the Author: Grace Ping
Grace Ping
My name is Grace Ping, and I'm a Video Production student at Ball State University. Chirp Chirp! I grew up in Noblesville, Indiana, where I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I have an immense love for video editing, journaling, and traveling. Ever since I was young, producing videos has always been more than a hobby—it's now my passion and career! I'm having an awesome summer at Fort Knox, Kentucky, where I'm refining my storytelling skills as a Public Affairs Office intern.