Last Updated: June 17th, 2024By

FORT KNOX, Kentucky- Cadets from 3rd Regiment of Advanced Camp conducted Group and Zero Training, at the Handiboe Range in Fort Knox Ky., June 17, 2024. The mission is to be steady on the shooting range using an M-4 rifle to zero into the center of a target, creating tight clusters.

2nd Lt. Lucas Hill, an armor officer, assisted Group and Zero Training, and explains the importance of the course with how it will help with the Cadets’ weapon qualification test.

“Group and Zeroing is very important because for every iteration they shoot four to five rounds and that helps them align their aperture with what they are actually shooting at, so it allows them to dial in with their own weapon so when they get to the range, what they are looking is what they are shooting at,” said Hill.

U.S Army Cadet Aden Buchholz keeps a positive attitude during his summer training, even in stressful situations.

“My mindset is just to succeed and do well,” said Buchholz. “Just kind of preparing every day, and taking it day by day and not trying to look towards the end too much, but being focused on the next objective.”

Buchholz is a Computer Science major, from Niagara University saying that he always wanted to work for a government intelligence agency after college.

“I think it is just a good opportunity,” said Buchholz. “It sounds really cool especially in (a) computer science-like security field. It’s opportunistic, it pays well, and it’s a very beneficial career down the road.”

Hill was a Bison Battalion Commander last year when he was in ROTC at Bucknell University. He said that his decision to join the Army felt natural to him.

“I like interacting with people,” said Buccholz. “I like leading people, and I think what we do in the army is a very important mission for the security of our country. So I think doing this is a great career. Honestly, everyday I’m happy to go into work.”

As he returned to the firing line, Buchholz had advice to future cadets for Grouping and Zeroing.

“Stay positive, and keep a level head … I’m only eight days in, some things are harder than others, but as long as you have good people around you and you kind of stay in that good attitude, then you’ll be fine.”

When these cadets finish Group and Zero training, their next step is to qualify with their M-4 Rifle.

Hill would suggest three fundamentals that Cadets should follow as they continue their training.

“Have a positive mental attitude – smile, encourage your friends. Think about being a team player. Help our battle buddies out when they are down; motivate each other. Remember your ‘Why’, as it can help you dial back into your actual true self.”

About the Author: Elizabeth Peterson
Elizabeth Peterson
My name is Elizabeth (Liz) Peterson, and I’m a junior from Ball State University majoring in photojournalism with a minor in creative writing. I’m president of NPPA (National Press Photographers Association) student chapter at BSU. My job is to tell stories by visual storytelling by the power of photography. Outside my job I love to work out, read and write fantasy! You can look up my work on Instagram: _lizzphotography .