FORT KNOX, KENTUCKY. – Ready to test their teamwork 2nd Regiment, Advanced
Camp, takes on the Field Leadership Reaction Course on Fort Knox, June 16, 2024.
The Field Leadership Reaction Course takes individual squads through various
obstacles, giving them 20 minutes to strategize and execute a plan. Each Cadet gets
the opportunity to take charge and lead an obstacle.
Once the leader is chosen, Cadres take them aside to brief them on the course. The
Cadet then relays the information to their teammates. Together, they discuss the
obstacle, brainstorming methods and ideas for successfully completing it. Although one
cadet leads each obstacle; the challenge lies in ensuring that all teammates input is
heard while maintaining clear leadership.
Cadre 2nd Lt. Robert Dungee from Norfolk State University led a squad of Cadets
through the Field Leadership Reaction Course, giving them tips on teamwork. The
purpose of these exercises is “to build confidence within their teammates, as well as
being prepared and having mental resilience.” said Dungee. “Regarding the course, a
lot of the obstacles are built to fail but when you persevere and just have your team to
build you up and go through the challenges it’s important to work together.”
Cadet Gordon Hardy from Slippery Rock University, PA., emerged from the Field
Leadership Reaction Course feeling stronger in his leadership abilities and more
connected with his team. The most difficult part was “trying to hear everyone but choose
one path,” said Hardy. “Whenever someone makes a good decision, you want to follow
it, but you also shouldn’t dismiss someone else’s idea just because you think their
decision is less.” Taking away from the course the importance of compromise,
emphasizing that it is not enough to merely say you’ll listen to everyone’s opinions and
ideas—you must incorporate them into the task at hand.
Each obstacle not only challenges the collective power of the team but also tests every
Cadet individually. Cadet Kathryne Argueta from Morehead State University, KY, found
great enjoyment in the obstacles and the sense of unity they fostered within her team.
Feeling as though “the most difficult part for me was trusting my body and knowing that I
can 100% accomplish each course.” said Argueta. “But honestly my squad works so
well together and with them I became more confident in myself.”
The Field Leadership Reaction Course helps build a team, giving Cadets the
opportunity to figure out their own strengths and weaknesses within their squad. The
experience allows Cadets to apply what they’ve learned not only about themselves but
also from understanding others’ thought processes. Fostering bonds among team
members, enabling them to work together, celebrate each other’s achievements, and
test their mental agility and competence.