FORT KNOX, KENTUCKY- Cadets with 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, are now completing
their fourth day in the Field Training Exercise Wolverine on Fort Knox, June 24, 2024. These
exercises allow Cadets to become proficient with field training, aiding them to identify and
understand their strengths and weaknesses.
This exercise emphasizes the utilization of proper communication and calls, allowing Cadets to
assume leadership roles without the pressure of being graded on their actions. Unlike the Panther
and Grizzly exercises, Wolverine is ungraded, providing cadets the opportunity to familiarize
themselves with the terrain and experiment without the fear of receiving a poor grade. This
approach encourages them to push their limits in new ways.
Victoria Kays, from Wake Forest University, NC., shares her experiences and aspirations after
successfully completing an ambush lane exercise. “Today we did an ambush lane. We had a
support by fire and two assaulting elements that went through to defeat about four enemies,” said
Kays. “We coordinated fires and made sure that all the weapons were maintained, which made
everything go a lot better. We also planned each special team and ensured everyone knew their
roles in the assault and support elements.” The early wake-up times and packed schedule has
been a challenge, but she believes the exercises are important for gaining leadership experience
and understanding the workings of a platoon.
Cadet Kays motivation for joining ROTC stems from a strong military presence in her family,
with both parents having attended West Point and her sister currently enrolled. She aims to
become an army surgeon, despite the challenges of balancing pre-med studies with ROTC
commitments. “I’m going into my senior year now, then four years of medical school, and about
seven years of residency,” said Kays. The path is long, but Victoria is determined to achieve her
goal and serve as an active-duty surgeon, either in a unit or in an administrative capacity.
Cadet George Jouny, from Middle Tennessee State University, also reflected on his experience
during the Wolverine ambush exercise. “Today we conducted an ambush, and I was on the
support by fire, suppressing the enemy with machine guns,” said Jouny. “It starts with the
platoon leader and trickles down to everyone else,” emphasizing the importance of clear
communication in achieving their objectives. He attributed their successful performance to
effective communication and coordination within the team.
Cadet Jouny noted that the initial days were challenging as everyone was still figuring out their
roles and communication lines. However, over the course of their time in the field, the team
improved significantly. “At first, it was rocky, but now it’s almost automatic,” said Jouny.
“People didn’t know exactly what to say or who to talk to at first, but now, since we’ve been in
the field together for so long, it’s almost automatic.” This improvement has prepared them well
for the upcoming Panther and Grizzly phases. Cadet Jounys decision to join ROTC was driven by his
desire to serve in the military and police force, to gain leadership experience, travel, and build
financial stability. He sees ROTC as a steppingstone to achieving his broader life goals.
With just one last exercise remaining in their Wolverine exercise, Cadets are eager to return, get
refit, and to continue their field training exercises. As they move closer to completing their Cadet
Summer Training, these cadets are proud to see the finish line approaching.