FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Basic Camp, participated in the Military Blood Drive at Fort Knox, Ky., August 3, 2023. The Military Blood Drive allows Cadets to have their blood drawn which is tested and collected to be given to service members, Department of Defense employees and civilian families in need. Cadet Melissa Esswein from the University of Michigan shares her thoughts pertaining to the blood drive. “I think the blood drive is important because it’s a great way to give back to the community,” Esswein said. “In a military setting, accidents happen, people get injured, and it’s [...]
FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from the 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed their Warrior Skills training at Fort Knox, Ky., July 30, 2023. The Warrior Skills training is an event that teaches and improves Cadets’ tactical skills for the field. Cadets learn about the fundamentals of munitions and practice what they have learned in a hands-on environment. Cadet Elena Oliver from Pacific Lutheran University shares her thoughts on the Warrior Skills training. “I think I did pretty well, and it was nice to refresh our skills in the field,” Oliver said. “It was good to interact with everything, and see how [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from the 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed their Tactical Combat Casualty Care training at Fort Knox, Ky., July 29, 2023. The TCCC is an event that teaches Cadets important life-saving strategies during a battlefield scenario. This training is crucial to becoming a well-rounded leader and Commissioned Officer in the likelihood of a battle-related injury. Cadet Robert Carr shares his thoughts on the process of TCCC. “We learned about how to use radios, about formations, and how to move injured soldiers on a stretcher to the casualty collection point and get to a medevac,” Carr said. “This [...]
FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from the 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed their Rappel Tower training at Fort Knox, Ky., July 28, 2023. The 64-foot Rappel Tower teaches Cadets to trust in their equipment and themselves to descend the tower. Cadets learn to be confident and brave when faced with the challenges presented at this training event. Cadet Kade Blackwell from Tarleton State University in Dallas, Tx, shares his thoughts on the Rappel Tower. “I was pretty confident at this event, and I knew most of the process for the rappel tower,” Blackwell said. “It is exciting to jump off the [...]
FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from the 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the Situational Training Exercise at Fort Knox, Ky., July 23, 2023. STX is an event that focuses on squad communication and tactics in a combat-like setting to qualify and become future U.S. Army leaders. Multiple scenarios test Cadets on their ability to work as a team and carry out their responsibilities in a timely manner. Cadet Trey Crow, from Harding University, shares his thoughts about the process of the STX. “It just helps you to learn teamwork with the new group of soldiers that you have just been introduced [...]
FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Basic Camp, completed their training at the Forest Hills Climbing Complex on Fort Knox, Ky., July 22, 2023. The FHCC is a series of high obstacles that focuses on confidence and having trust in the climbing equipment for each course. It is composed of the Alpine Towers, The Rudders Ropes Course, and a rock-climbing wall. Cadet Lydia Sleeman, Allegheny College, shares her thoughts on the ropes course portion of the training. “I liked it, even though there were some scary parts of the course,” Sleeman stated. “I think the worst part for me [...]
FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the Engagement Skills Trainer at Fort Knox, Ky., July 21, 2023. The EST is a simulated training event that teaches Cadets important marksmanship skills in several environments. Cadet Kevin Kirby, Pennsylvania State University, shares his thoughts on the training. “My favorite part of the EST was the shooting simulation,” Kirby stated. “I really enjoyed that because I was able to actually see myself improve each round.” The EST includes virtual firing ranges to test Cadets’ accuracy and improve their marksmanship skills. This simulation allows each person to become familiar with [...]
FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the Warrior Skills training event at Fort Knox, Ky., July 20, 2023. Warrior Skills introduces Cadets to many procedures that focus on the fundamentals of munitions and range finding. The Cadets have hands-on experience that allow them to understand important Soldiering tactics. Cadet Brandon De La Rosa, from East Stroudsburg University, shares his thoughts on the importance of Warrior Skills. “I was successful in throwing today because the grenade was like a baseball,” De la Rosa said. “A lot of kids grew up playing baseball, including me, so it was [...]
FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed Battle March and Shoot training at Fort Knox, Ky., July 19, 2023. The battle, march, and shoot event, or BMS, is an event where Cadets are pressured to see if they possess qualities fit to become adequate marksmen and future US Army leaders. Cadet Neanco Collins from the University of Illinois, Chicago, shares his experience at BMS. “I believe I did pretty good because I have been practicing, and I’ve been able to grasp a good skill set during qualification,” Collins said. “On table six with the position changing, I [...]
FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed their Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction at Fort Knox, Ky., July 15, 2023. Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction is an event where Cadets must qualify at several stations in order to become one step closer to becoming a future Army Officer. During this training, Cadets learn the fundamentals of weapon safety and proper aiming techniques from different angles. Cadet Gill Tanvir, Sacramento State University, shares her experience during PMI. “For the most part, I didn’t need to brush up on a lot of things, because the last time I qualified,” Tanvir said. “Working in [...]