• 2nd Regiment Cadets tested for their basic rifle marksmanship qualification as part of their Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky.,  June 12, 2022.  Master Sgt. Benjamin Chumley with the 7th Brigade works at Middle Tennessee State University and was one of the Cadre at the qualification. Chumley said scoring is based on accuracy and how many hits a Cadet gets with 40 rounds of ammunition.  “23 out of 40 is a pass, but they are broken down into marksmen, sharpshooters and expert,” Chumley said.  Chumley said 23 to 30 is a marksman, 30 to 36 is a sharpshooter and 36 [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • Cadets from 3rd Regiment assemble in the open lot of the Field Leader Reaction Course.  These Cadets would be tasked with completing obstacle courses designed to test their squad’s teamwork and critical thinking skills. “They’re supposed to be really, really difficult challenges to do…to see how they work together and how they overcome seemingly impossible challenges,” said Capt. Robert Moore. Cadets go through the FLRC early on in their time at Cadet Summer Training. By the time 3rd Regiment arrived at the FLRC, most Cadets have only had a week’s time to get to know each other. The FLRC helps to [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • More than 300 Cadets from 2nd Regiment filed in through a single door leading into a large room at the Engagement Skills Trainer building, empty save for easels with instructional material and a Humvee roll-over training aid. The Cadets were ready to attempt the training after having gone through preliminary marksmanship instruction yesterday. EST uses a digital range with modified M4A1 carbines that fire a laser at simulated targets to test a Cadet’s accuracy and technique. “It’s a great way to get our Soldiers out and simulate effective range training,” said Maj. Yul Heredia,“ but in a digital capacity. “It saves [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • 2nd Regiment Cadets tested on land navigation for Cadet Summer Training (CST) at Fort Knox, Ky., on June 6, 2022.  Staff Sgt. Lana Bansbach, with the 2nd Battalion of 319th Regiment, has been working on land navigation for five years. She said the Cadets receive different points to find. They get different lanes, which could be a mixture of similar points or different points to other Cadets.   Cadets worked to find four points using minimal equipment. Cadets had four hours to find three out of the four points to pass the test.  Cadets could not ask each other for help and [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • The 2nd Regiment Cadets practiced tactical combat casualty care at Fort Knox, Ky., on June 5, 2022.  This portion of Cadet Summer Training (CST) focused on teaching Cadets necessary medical skills to help a wounded Soldier in the field.  Staff Sgt. Mark Colburn said this training is different from all the other medical fields such as nursing or working as an EMT.  “The process is different when you’re reacting to an injury on the battlefield like if you’re actively getting shot at,” Colburn said. “It’s much different than treating somebody in a clinic, who has a broken leg or runny nose.”  [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • At Fort Knox, Ky., future U.S Army officers are required to go through a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) exercise during their time at Cadet Summer Training (CST). “CBRN training consists of eight tasks,” said Lt. Col. Janice Vogan, the officer in charge of warrior skills. A few of the skills learned from performing the required tasks include maintaining their protective mask, protecting themselves from CBRN related injuries, and how to react to various CBRN attacks. “The ninth (task) is they’re going to go into the gas chamber, the NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) chamber,” said Vogan. Once in the chamber, [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • ‘Slow is smooth and smooth is fast’, is the common mantra heard at the Field Leader Reaction Course (FLRC) during the first Cadet run-through of the summer. On June 3, 2022, 1st Regiment Cadets from the Charlie and Delta companies rotated by squad through 16 creative obstacles that challenge the Cadets’ problem solving and leadership skills. The courses require planning and a quick execution. They have five minutes to plan and 15 minutes to complete each one. Before they start, the cadre brief the Cadets by reading the mission details and limitations. Once time has run out they debrief to see [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • When Cadets arrive to Cadet Summer Training (CST) at Fort Knox, Ky., many undergo a rapid learning curve on their path to become effective leaders for the U.S. Army. “I fumbled a lot on Land Navigation and my platoon really rallied around me,” said Paulakae Gordon. “There was not one person that wasn’t taking the time to teach me on things that I needed to know.” Nobody is truly alone with their struggles at CST, as teams work together to overcome the obstacles they face. Gordon encountered an uphill battle at land navigation, but the support of her teammates helped push [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • The first Regiment of Cadets went through chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) training May 31, 2022. CBRN is one of the training events Cadets are required to complete for Cadet Summer Training (CST).  1st Lt. Adam Dykens, 21st Chemical Company, said this is a ten level warrior skills training for CBRN defense. Training includes donning of chemical defense equipment, detection of chemical defense equipment as well as reacting to nuclear, chemical and biological attacks.  Dykens said this training is important for future leaders, so they know how to respond to this type of warfare. This helps keep them and their [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • The ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test) took place in the early hours of Memorial Day, with Cadets from 1st Regiment challenged to complete the six-event test. According to Capt. Rob Haight, a chaplain present for the test, this is the first time that many Cadets are facing the ACFT at Cadet Summer Training (CST).   The ACFT is a relatively new addition to the Army’s physical fitness program. “It’s been in the planning phases for about two or three years now. They just made the final changes to it and it’ll become [on October First] the standard record for physical fitness,” [...]

    Categories: CST 2022