• FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, engage in various tactical training exercises during warrior skills at Fort Knox, Ky., July 29, 2023. Warrior skills teach the Cadets foundational knowledge about grenades, handling an M240 machine gun, and proper field movements that are continuously built upon throughout Cadet Summer Training.   Cadet Eden Hyatt, University of Connecticut, participated in warrior skills and she acknowledges the importance of this training. “We’re essentially trying to prep for two things; both tactical awareness and leadership,” said Hyatt. “Warrior skills ensure that we are prepped so that we can teach and lead [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – A dark cloud storms its way across the training area where Cadets from 3rd Regiment Advanced Camp were planning to work on their field training exercises on July 1, 2023.  Due to the frequent lightning strikes, overheard thunder, and heavy rain, the training was brought to a halt. While the Cadets were waiting underneath their soon-to-be soaking-wet ponchos, they had some downtime to speak on FTX and their future aspirations.  “The field training event prepares us for future leadership events and tests how we perform under distress in adverse conditions,” said Cadet Alexander Grieves, Central Michigan University.  [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 5th Regiment Advanced camp tackled the weapons qualification on the Pells Range at Fort Knox, Ky., June 28, 2023. Post Views: 67

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, engage in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear training in Fort Knox, Ky., June 24, 2023. The CBRN chamber is a concrete, enclosed building that creates a simulation for the Cadets to experience using their gas masks against tear gas. The production of the gas is made by burning two chemical-filled capsules inside the chamber. Prior to entering the gas-filled room, Cadets take in-depth classes learning about the equipment and how to properly apply it. The Cadre also ensures a proper seal of their masks beforehand. Cadre member 2nd Lt. J. Scott [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. –  On June 23, 2023., Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, engage in situational training exercises (STX) starting off at the Wolverine phase as part of Cadet Summer Training. They will move through three phases, Wolverine, Panther, and Grizzly. The STX are meant to put the Cadets in a fast-paced environment where they plan and communicate as a team to successfully complete the mission at hand. Cadets camp out in the woods for three days. STX prepares the Cadets for a bigger event called the field training exercise (FTX). Cadet Zoe Routh, University of Oklahoma, is following the [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – The Cadets from 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp, worked on practical skills during the squad tactical exercise in Fort Knox, Ky., June 17, 2023. The squad tactical exercise, also called STX, is where Cadets are challenged in the field to work together as a squad to practice tactics, firing and maneuvering by teams and reacting to unexpected situations. Cadet Ryan Struss, University of Illinois, enlisted in 2018 as a human intelligence collector and linguist for the Army.   “I chose that at the time because it gave me an opportunity to do what I really wanted to do,” [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from the 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, practice their shooting accuracy gushing an engagement skills trainer at Fort Knox, Ky., June 16, 2023. Here, they get the opportunity to learn about their weapons. Similarly, Cadet Landon Dugas, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, is in the same regiment as Smith. Dugas comes from a military family, and he has decided to follow in the footsteps of his father. During training, they learn different skills such as shooting positions, changing magazines, and practicing using their sights. The sight produces a red dot on the targeted area, ideally providing for [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – The field leadership reaction course, known as FLRC, puts Cadet’s strength, quick thinking and teamwork to the test. Cadet Lauren Alexander, Indiana University, is doing her best to move as a member of a team during FLRC, June 15, 2023. “I think we are working extremely well, especially given that this is our first tactical event where people are switching leadership,” said Alexander.   Cadets must complete as many obstacle courses as possible within the four-hour time limit. A team leader receives a briefing from Cadre about the obstacle, then they inform their teammates about the rules [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – The Cadets practice using an M4 Carbine in an exercise called group and zero. Grouping is when a cluster of rounds are shot consistently into a target close together. The basic marksmanship training includes teaching Cadets to have a tight shot group. When the Cadets zero, they adjust settings on the M68 Close Combat Optic to move that tight shot group onto the center of the target. Along with gaining experience, the Cadets also get to work with the Cadre and other officers. The officer in charge for the Handiboe range is 1st Lt. Dahlia Aguirre. She [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • June 8, 2023 FORT KNOX, Ky. – The Gen. George Patton Museum of Leadership is located just off post and is only donation-based. The museum features various exhibits on important leaders and artifacts from different U.S. Military events such as the Vietnam War and the World War II barracks. Tyler Reid has been the curator of the museum since April 2021. As a curator, he manages the handling and research of artifacts, design, and education. Prior to being a curator, Reid participated in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program at Western Kentucky University in 2008. He did 11 years of active [...]

    Categories: CST 2023