• FORT KNOX, Ky. – On June 12, 2023, during observer controller training, the Observer Coach Trainer Academy instructors of Fort Knox, Ky., laid out the expectations they had for the Cadre with the 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp, who will be in charge of the incoming U.S. Army Cadets at Cadet Summer Training. Lt. Col. Dan Hurd from the University of North Carolina explained why OCT takes place before Cadre receive their assigned Cadets.  “Today’s training is to get them onboarded onto this process, so they learn the technical and tactical tasks that they need to teach Cadets,” said Hurd. Hurd explained [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – The 1st Regiment Cadets started off their day with a battle march and shoot in Fort Knox, Ky. June 11, 2023. BMS starts at 5:30 a.m. with a four-mile tactical road march and ends with stringers of shooting practice. The BMS tests the Cadets marksmanship skills while under pressure. The BMS is just one of multiple smaller-scale training events Advanced Camp Cadets experience before the qualification test. After having multiple opportunities to work on their skills, the Cadets are beginning to thrive out at the range. Sgt. Maj. Andrew Porch from Georgia Military College commented on the [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — ‘Don’t hit the civilian,’ was the Cadres interesting way of saying ‘aim correctly’ out on the Group and Zero training range in Fort Knox, Ky., June 9, 2023. During Group and Zero training, the 1st Regiment put their knowledge of the fundamentals of shooting to the test. Although the Cadets are not being graded, the Cadre do not forget about mistakes. “From personal experience, it can be overwhelming with all the cues happening at once and also trying to remember all your fundamentals of shooting. I think in an effort to make sure they’re doing everything right, [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – The 2nd Regiment Cadets at Advanced Camp arrived to the preliminary marksmanship instruction range in Fort Knox, Ky., early June 10, 2023 for a refresher course in marksmanship. During PMI, nobody is above the basics of marksmanship. Even the most experienced Cadets must go back to basics and work on their technique. Before the 2nd Regiment Cadets get released to their stations, the Cadre give a briefing over the four pillars of weapon safety. The instructor explained to the Cadets that the key to a smooth shot is keeping a position that is stable. The instructor also [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • Fort Knox, Ky. — ‘Don’t hit the civilian,’ is the Cadres interesting way of saying ‘aim correctly’ out on the Group and Zero training range in Fort Knox, Ky., June 9, 2023. During Group and Zero training, the 1st Regiment Cadets put their knowledge of the fundamentals of shooting to the test. Although the Cadets are not being graded, the Cadre do not forget about mistakes. “From personal experience, it can be overwhelming with all the cues happening at once and also trying to remember all your fundamentals of shooting. I think in an effort to make sure they’re doing everything [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • Fort Knox, Ky. – Starting at 9 a.m. on June 8, 2023, the women’s bowling league dominated the lanes at Houston Bowling Center. The women in this league dedicate their Thursday mornings to play against one another every week. The teams are different every time, and the sportsmanship is high. Amongst the sounds of bowling balls rolling down lanes and knocked over pins, laughter can be heard near the lanes that are occupied by the ladies of the Thursday morning league. The women’s league is just one of many activities the Houston Bowling Center has to offer to the public on [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – The Army’s medical professionals completed heat casualty evacuation training in Fort Knox, Ky. before Cadet Summer Training began May 31, 2023.   Completing training before the arrival of the 1st Regiment ensures the safety of all Cadets and Cadre. CST training occurs in extreme weather conditions, making Cadets more susceptible to heat-related illnesses.   “It’s hot,” said Spc. Chase Peitsmeyer. “Cadets are going to be sweating a lot while doing extraneous activities. The Cadets are much more likely to fall out during camp.” Working based off his experience as a medic in Fort Riley, Ks., Peitsmeyer explained that hydrating, [...]

    Categories: CST 2023