M4 carbine sights may have been fogged up as 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp, went out to the Handiboe Range to group and zero their M4 Carbines, but the conditions taught Cadets that not everyday will be sunny and clear skies. “It was a combination of fogginess and raindrops all over,” said Cadet Taylor Rice, Virginia Commonwealth University. “It started pouring so much that it got into both my prescriptions and into my eye pro.” Rice along with her peers had to wipe off their eye protection or glasses in between firing iterations due to the intense downpour. While trying to clear [...]
After the long-awaited signal that the skies were clear of lightning, Cadets from 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp, stepped off and began their last graduation requirement for Cadet Summer Training, the 12-mile foot-march. The 4-5 hour trek takes Cadets from training area Densberger and stretches through blocked off roads, leading Cadets back to their barracks. As Cadet Elayna Snyder, Kansas State University, reached Brandenburg Gate, which is around the halfway point, she looked behind her and noticed Cadet Mya Walker, Florida A&M University, walking in the back of the formation. “I knew she got injured a few days ago, so I knew [...]
“Electric. I felt no muscle fatigue, nothing,” said Cadet Trevor Corso, from George Mason University. This invigorating feeling stemmed from the encouragement he received as he raced against his peers of 3rd Regiment, Basic Camp, toward the final challenge of the Beaudoin Obstacle Course. The course consisted of 13 events designed to test physical capability and boost morale. “I was up there motivating everybody. I loved the energy coming back to me too,” Corso said. “Giving everybody high-fives on both sides coming through, because they knew I was the last one.” Corso was the final member of his squad to attempt [...]
“When I was dangling in the air for the first five seconds, I was like, ‘oh my gosh, oh my gosh… I can’t do this,” said Cadet John Conrad, Texas Tech University. In the hot July sun, Cadets conquered the 64ft. Rappel Tower and proved they had what it takes to trust others with their safety. “The scariest thing about going down the rappel tower was the initial part of having to trust everything,” said Conrad. “Myself, I like to be in control. There’s parts of life where you just have to trust in others.” While rappelling sounds like a one-man [...]
10th Regiment, Advanced Camp ROTC Cadets conducted movement to contact in their situational training exercise (STX) lane. Each Cadet was required to wear a vest equipped with a Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System, commonly referred to as MILES gear. Upon being fired, the M4 carbine released a laser which was recognized by the sensors located on the vests of the Opposing Forces (OPFOR) if contact was made. “But if the OPFOR shoots them, then they know that they need to work on like cover and concealment,” 2nd Lt. Jackson Graham from Auburn University said. “They need to be better at covering [...]
Special Awards Recipients AUSA Leadership Excellence Award This award is presented to the top Cadet in each Regiment, as determined by Regimental cadre board. Cadet Garrett Lyons, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Magellan Federal High Performer Award This award is presented to the male and female Cadets who achieve the highest score on the Army Combat Fitness Test. Cadet Garrett Lyons, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityCadet Nicole Ansley, Norwich University First Command Financial Services Award This award is presented to the Cadet who best demonstrates the leadership traits necessary to encourage teamwork, improve unit cohesion, and reinforce mission accomplishment. [...]
A nine-line and time was all 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets needed to get through their mission successfully – but time was not on their side. “And in that moment, we only had five minutes and we had prepped the nine-line as much as we could,” said Cadet Nathaniel Sanders, American University. “But five minutes to get the nine-line out, especially with the casualties that I haven’t assessed yet, was stressful, to say the least.” Sanders was the platoon sergeant (PSG) for the Field Training Exercise (FTX) during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Along with Sanders was another member [...]
“I had everyone in my platoon help me train up until today, and I was very nervous especially on the line,” Cadet Blake Lisgar from University of Delaware said. After two previous days of shooting where Cadets had to group, zero their weapons and complete a zero confirmation, Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp test for marksmanship qualification at Pells Range. In order to qualify, Cadets must shoot a minimum of 23 out of 40 targets. However, if a Cadet would like to qualify for the Recondo Badge, they must shoot 30 or more targets. Although Lisgar has experience with shooting, [...]
“When you’re crawling, it felt like forever,” said Cadet Thomas Damsgard, University of Alabama. “I felt like I was crawling for a mile.” An obstacle that is approximately 100 meters long stands between Cadets of 2nd Regiment, Basic Camp, and Cadet Summer Training graduation. The Night Infiltration Course fires live rounds above Cadets while they low crawl the distance under and over obstacles to include logs. Sand makes it into every crevice of their uniform as they drag themselves, as well as the additional weight of a plated vest and helmet through the course. The extra weight makes it physically exhausting, [...]
As Cadet James Fisher, from Ole Miss: University of Mississippi, looked over the edge of the Sgt. Maj. Gary Fortunato Memorial Rappel Tower, he did not feel nervous, but rather right in his element. “I went to Sabalauski Air Assault School in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, prior to coming here,” Fisher said. Having previous rappel experience, Fisher obtained a unique approach to the tower at Cadet Summer Training. “My perspective is, I have knowledge that I can use to help, but the instructors that are out here are in charge. I shouldn’t be overstepping bounds,” Fisher said. With immense pride in having [...]