1st Brigade Army ROTC Ranger Challenge Invitational
FORT KNOX, Ky. — Cadets compete in the 1st Brigade Army ROTC Ranger Challenge Invitational. The competition lasted over 48 hours, testing physical endurance, leadership, and the military skills of teams from the brigade, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, and ROTC programs across the nation.
FORT KNOX, Ky. — Army JROTC Cadets compete in the Skills portion of the inaugural Army JROTC Aerial Drone Competition. Drone teams learn about drones, flight principles, programming, documentation, and communication skills while expanding their understanding of and building interest in drone-related workforce and career opportunities.
FORT KNOX, Ky. — Northern Warfare Challenge is a two-day cold weather military skills competition, culminating in a 12-mile ruck march through the trails of Grandad Bluff.
JROTC cadets from across the country take on the National Raider Challenge
FORT KNOX, Ky. — As the early morning sun broke the dawn, hundreds of JROTC cadets moved to their start positions. Radio crackles could be heard across the starting lines, signaling the competition was about to begin. Nervous faces turned serious. On the command ‘Go!’ cadets broke into a sprint, striving to bring home the gold.
VMI Army ROTC becomes first program to send a team for Exercise Cambrian Patrol
LEXINGTON, Va. — Nine cadets from the Virginia Military Institute became the first ever Army ROTC team to participate in Exercise Cambrian Patrol, considered NATO’s most challenging patrol test. Held October 4-13, 2024, this annual event gathers over 100 international teams — each venturing out for a tactical patrol, pushing squads physically and mentally through difficult terrain and real-world scenarios.
Army Cadet Summer Training 2024 underway at Fort Knox
FORT KNOX, Ky. — Summer is coming in hot, not only bringing with it the heat but also cadets; the very first of them from 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp arrived today.
Every year, U.S. Army Cadet Command hosts what is considered the Army’s largest annual training event — Cadet Summer Training. For 100 days, more than 10,000 cadets from over 900 colleges participate in basic or advanced camps in preparation for future leadership.
Cameron University ROTC Cadets get a taste of Field Artillery at the M119 range
FORT SILL, Okla. (Nov. 6, 2023)- The Field Artillery Commandant’s Office hosted the Cameron University Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program November 4 at an M119 howitzer range. Cadets had the chance to interact with and train alongside Soldiers from Salute Battery, 428th Field Artillery Brigade. This hands-on experience included learning to load the M119 howitzer, understanding the importance of safety on the gun line and gaining insight into what it truly means to be a Field Artillery Officer.
Army ROTC is widely regarded as the best leadership course in the world. Opportunities for specialized training are available, giving Army Cadets exciting, challenging, experiences that most people never get.
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Many universities and colleges in the country offer an Army ROTC curriculum through their Military Science department. Military colleges are also ROTC programs. Click here to search by location, name of the school or military college.
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