• FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp, descended a 64-foot tower for rappel training at Fort Knox, Ky., July 7, 2023. A recent graduate from University of Central Florida, 2nd Lt. Hayley Blatt, explained the process Cadets participate in throughout rappel training. “First, we do a demonstration, then we assist with tying seats, [next] the Cadets go down the slant wall,” Blatt said. “After the Cadets complete the slant wall, they go down the closed side, then the open side of the tower.” After completing every step of the process, Cadet Sydney Honeycutt from Xavier University described how [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky., – Cadet Agnelo Lopes, Columbia State University, from 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp, decided at a young age that he was going to serve in the Army. At around 7 years old, Lopes had traveled two miles from Jersey City, New Jersey, for a school field trip to the Statue of Liberty. The day of this field trip was September 11, 2001 — a day that changed Lopes’ life trajectory as well as the United States.  “I was actually on a field trip to the Statue of Liberty when the twin towers went down,” Lopes said. “I always wanted [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  •   FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadet Jon Waldon, 5th Regiment Advanced Camp, implemented his prior experience as a staff sergeant to help guide him through Cadet Summer Training, Fort Knox, Ky., June 28, 2023. During engagement skills trainer, Waldon worked with fellow Cadets, rotating through the stations that are designed to improve their marksmanship skills. “My experience today was good, I think that the Cadre have done a really good job with this training,” Waldon said. “I’ve been in the military for six years. I haven’t ever seen such attention to detail focused on the foundations.” Waldon worked as an eye [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 5th Regiment Advanced camp tackled the weapons qualification on the Pells Range at Fort Knox, Ky., June 28, 2023. Post Views: 382

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky., – Cadets from 6th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the Army Combat Fitness Test at Fort Knox, Ky., June 28, 2023. The ACFT consists of six events: the max deadlift, the standing power throw, hand-release pushups, sprint-drag-carry, plank, and a two-mile run. “I definitely did better than I was expecting,” said Cadet McKinley Rainey, University of Hawaii at Manoa. “I think I did good because it’s a really positive environment, everybody is cheering each other on.” The ACFT is the first training event that Cadets must participate in after their arrival to camp. The ACFT tests Cadets’ physical and [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky., – Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, spent the day planning and executing field training exercises during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky., June 26, 2023. Cadets will spend a total of 12 days in the field where they will sleep in the woods, test their leadership abilities and run missions like ambushes, raids, attacks, defense, reconnaissance and movement to contact. Cadet Madeline Bryan, Loyola University Chicago, and her platoon executed an attack on an objective. “Everybody communicated with me effectively,” Bryan said. “I got on the objective, I knew I had to shoot, I posted the [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the field training exercise at Fort Knox, Ky., June 26, 2023. During FTX, Cadets conducted a platoon ambush; a platoon ambush is a surprise attack from a concealed position on a moving target.  Cadets applied an excess amount of face paint on and marched their way in the hot sun through the thick terrain and in the mud to the location of the platoon ambush. One Cadet talked about their experience during FTX. Cadet Caroline Courtney from Gannon University joined the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps because of her brother. She [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Lt. Col. Gary Goodman, Cadre member from the University of Delaware, watches over 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets at the engagement skills training event at Fort Knox, Ky., June 26, 2023. Goodman explained that EST is an important event to hold at the beginning of Advanced Camp because it prepares Cadets for the qualifications test that occurs later on. The 5th Regiment’s Cadets all have had prior experience shooting, but during Cadet Summer Training, every Advanced Camp Cadet must go back to the basics of marksmanship. At EST, Cadets learn about proper shooting positions, weapons manipulation, and [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, engage in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear training in Fort Knox, Ky., June 24, 2023. The CBRN chamber is a concrete, enclosed building that creates a simulation for the Cadets to experience using their gas masks against tear gas. The production of the gas is made by burning two chemical-filled capsules inside the chamber. Prior to entering the gas-filled room, Cadets take in-depth classes learning about the equipment and how to properly apply it. The Cadre also ensures a proper seal of their masks beforehand. Cadre member 2nd Lt. J. Scott [...]

    Categories: CST 2023
  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadet Emily Jackson from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, plans to commission as an active duty nurse for the Army. While at Cadet Summer Training, she shared that her experience in the National Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps furthered her passion towards caring for others at Fort Knox, Ky., June 22, 2023. “I’ve always been super interested in the medical field, and I’m also really passionate about kids and babies,” said Jackson. “So while doing research about [the medical field], I got super interested in labor and delivery and just the whole delivery process itself.” Jackson is from [...]

    Categories: CST 2023