• “The grenades are definitely a lot heavier than a softball or baseball, so you have to put a little bit more muscle into it, but it definitely helps with the mechanics,” Cadet Brianna Gowans from Texas A&M University, Central Texas said.  11th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets learned how to properly throw hand grenades during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky. Each Cadet had the opportunity to throw a total of six grenades, the first two being dummies followed by four simulated hand grenades. Before joining the army, Gowans played softball for most of her life.  “All throughout elementary school and [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • There was excitement in the air as Cadets of 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, fired off their final rounds and completed one last tactical mission during their concluding iteration of Field Training Exercises (FTX).   The morale was incredibly high as these Cadets looked back on their time in the field and recognized the very important, yet very different perspectives they had on the experience.   “If we’re not training, we’re out there in the actual, real fight,” Cadet John Halo, from Fayetteville State University, said. “It’s good to have that increased stress, it adds value to the training, so it makes the leaders [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • Special Awards Recipients AUSA Leadership Excellence Award This award is presented to the top Cadet in each Regiment, as determined by Regimental cadre board. Cadet Christopher Jennings, Western Oregon University First Command Financial Services Award This award is presented to the Cadet who best demonstrates the leadership traits necessary to encourage teamwork, improve unit cohesion, and reinforce mission accomplishment. Cadet Sabrina Fradette, University of South Florida USAA Warrior Ethos Award This award is presented to the Cadet who best demonstrates the Army Profession, Ethics, and Officership while best exemplifying the warrior spirit. Cadet David Broadhead, Utah Valley University Armed Forces Bank [...]

    Categories: CST 2022
  • Nervous, excited, and thrilled were all words used by Cadets of 3rd Regiment, Basic Camp, to describe their emotions before crawling directly under and toward live M240 machine gun fire.  The Cadets embraced this challenge at the Night Infiltration Course (NIC), a training event at Cadet Summer Training (CST) designed to test physical and mental toughness through the simulation of a combat scenario.  “If you’re in a combat situation and you’re given a mission, you have to complete that mission, otherwise there will be rippling effects through neighboring units,” 2nd Lt. Christian Henderson, commissioned officer from Ball State University, said. “We’ll [...]

    Categories: CST 2022