FORT KNOX, KY. – In the Cadet Summer Training (CST) program, the Cadets complete an exercise called Battle March and Shoot (BMS) on June 9, 2023. They gathered at Logistical Support Area (LSA) Baker on base at Fort Knox and then began their Four-mile foot march to Schroeder Range carrying 35-pound ruck sacks. By the time they arrive at Schroeder Range, their heart rate is up, and they immediately begin to receive directions to get into a position to shoot. This fast-paced process shows how the Cadets do under pressure. The Cadets are issued one target and two magazines with 20 [...]
FORT KNOX, KY – U.S. Army food inspectors working out of the Veterinary Clinic on base, conduct a routine inspection of the Commissary at Fort Knox, Ky. May 31, 2023. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), “It is estimated that each year one in six Americans get sick from contaminated food or beverages.” Spc. Omar Gutierrez is a food inspector who has an important job of ensuring and maintaining good food quality on base. “My duties are to take care of the UGR (Unitized Group Ration) Heat and Serve and the MRE (Meal, Ready-to-Eat) to make sure those facilities [...]