FORT KNOX, KENTUCKY- After moving through Land Navigation, Cadets from 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp, had the chance to bond with their teammates during the Field Leader Reaction Course, at Fort Knox, Ky., on July 1, 2024.

The FLRC is designed to test Cadets’ confidence levels and challenges them in  working under pressure in teams. It is meant to teach leadership and teamworking skills as they are put into scenarios that they may face outside of ROTC. 

Cadet Micheal Glenn, from Tuskegee University, said how the exercise helped him through building bonds with his teammates. 

“We did the FLRC course, which is a team bonding leadership event where you really focus on building up trust and confidence between you and your peers,” said Glenn. “It was good seeing people in our squad getting over their fear of heights and just doing what they were supposed to do.”

He joined ROTC in order to pay for his education, but was also inspired by his great-grandfather, who was a WWII veteran.

“I looked up to my great granddad, who was in the army in World War Two,” said Glenn. “I know he did a lot with supplies, and he was focused on getting stuff to the frontline”. 

Glenn wants to continue his grandfather’s legacy, by obtaining an education in Construction Science and Management, and wants to be an Infantry Ranger. He said that his previous cadre Master Sgt. McFatridge and Sgt. Maj. Pugh motivated him to join the army. 

“Without them I know I probably wouldn’t be the Cadet I am today,” said Glenn. “They gave me tough love and without them I feel like a lot of us would not be here.”

As Glenn is motivated by his inner circle, Cadet Mason Heins, from Texas Woman’s University, draws inspiration from the Cadets. 

“Being with these Cadets motivates me the most because we were going through the ups and the downs with each other,” said Heins. “I can’t talk to my family much, because we don’t have our cellular devices with us. Just being with them and knowing that we are going to suck together is what pushes me.”

Heins added that he had wished he had more time bonding with his teammates.

“It was so fun with the team to just connect with each other,” said Heins. “They’ve started opening up, especially after doing land navigation for the past three days. Everybody having fun was definitely the best part.”

Heins served six years as a Combat Medic (68W), and wants to obtain a bachelors in computer science, wanting to focus on cybersecurity. He would go on to say why he wanted to join the program. 

“It will be critical for us to develop and innovate new technologies,” said Heins. “We need to be on the lookout for certain defenses and attacks in order to prevent our foreign forces from getting the one up on us.” 

Cadets completed 8 out of the 12 obstacles, overcoming their comfort zones and being able to work with their teammates. Taking away from the Field Leader Reaction Course, Heins says that Cadets need to be willing to adapt, but also to remember to be in the present.

“Be ready to wake up and do things with only an hour of sleep,” said Heins. “Enjoy it while you can, this is a great experience that the army is providing for us.”


About the Author: Elizabeth Peterson